THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT MEDITATION COURSE - LEVEL TWO ILLUMINATION, ENLIGHTENMENT THE REMOVAL OF ENERGY BLOCKAGES - REMOVE ENTITIES AND IMPLANTS WITH ADVANCED ENERGY BLOCKAGE ABUSTING TECHNIQUES - THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT SEVEN STEP PROCESS "You Know, Removing all your Energy Blockages is a Really Good Thing" - Satchidanand LEVEL TWO OF ENERGY ENHANCEMENT AND THE REMOVAL OF BLOCKAGES - ENERGY BLOCKAGES, ENTITIES, IMPLANTS AND NAFS - WHAT ARE THEY, WHY ARE THEY FORMED, AND HOW TO REMOVE ENERGY BLOCKAGES AND IMPLANTS BY THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT SEVEN STEP PROCESS The Karma Clearing Process of Energy Enhancement Meditation Starts with the Seven Step Processes of Level Two including the Kundalini Kriyas + Alchemy If you are tired of all the many systems of meditation which leave questions unanswered and where the path to enlightenment is ill defined and uncertain then don’t delay end the suffering as soon as possible – learn Energy Enhancement. Jean, FROM THE SEPTEMBER 2005 ENERGY ENHAN, September 29, 2013
Saturday, September 28, 2013
The energy flowing down from above, from the chakras above the head, becomes so intense that we begin to access, "Prajna Paramita" or the highest Truth and to live from that Highest Truth in the Chakras above the Head.
The body is ignored so that although we feel it, its as if it is not so important as, "That Energy of God in Which we Live".
This is what happens in Samadhi.
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This is the story of a wicked person called Valmiki as described in Sutra 33 of Book One of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali but now, further on applied to Sutra 41.
I'll be talking about, commenting upon, Sutra 41 and those sutras which follow at the end of this teaching tale which is applicable to every student of meditation.
Valmiki was so bad that he used to murder everyone and then take their fingers and put them in a necklace around his neck. Yet this murderer was special because over many lifetimes he had developed special qualities, the qualities of a student.
As Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita, that he is the energy behind that which is the best, the most highly developed talents of humanity. "Of all the gamblers, I am the best" he says, so even the bad qualities have to be developed. And here is Valmiki, the best murderer!
In over one hundred lifetimes we have entered into every bad path available. We have done every bad thing. But we have also developed many talents through serendipity. We have grown. Now we need just that one touch to enable the change. As energy flows from higher energies to lower energies, just the presence of an Illuminated Saint can provide that needed touch. Talented students given the right motivation can achieve Illumination very quickly.
Yes, Love is the Energy of Change.
The more Love, the More Change, the Faster the Change!!.
The more Trauma Formed Negative Karmic Mass, the more Karma Misery, the more Despair, the more the Change is needed.
Sage Narada was passing by, and as was his habit Valmiki the Murderer Thief accosted him and said,
"Hey, what do you have in your pockets?"
"Oh, I don't even have pockets, sir."
"What a wretched man. I've never seen a man with nothing. You must give me something, otherwise I won't spare your life."
Then Narada said, "All right, I will try to get something for you; but don't you think it's a sin to harm innocent people?"
"Oh you Swamis talk a lot about sin. You have no other business, but I have to maintain my wife, children and my house. If I just sit and think of virtue, our tummies are not going to be satisfied. I have to get money somehow, by hook or by crook."
"Well, all right, do it. If that's your policy I don't mind. But you say that you must feed your wife and children by hook or by crook. You should know that it is a sin and you will have to face the reactions of it."
"Well, I don't bother about that."
"You may not bother, but since you are committing sins to provide for your wife and children, you'd better ask them whether they are willing to share the reactions of the sins also."
"Undoubtedly they will. My wife always says we are one and my children love me like anything, so naturally all I do for their sake will be shared by them."
"Well, maybe so but don't just tell me. Go find out for sure."
"Will you run away?"
"OK. You stay here, I will run there and find out."
So he ran to his house and asked, "Hey, this man asked me a funny question just now. He says that I am committing sins and certainly there's no doubt that. But I am doing it for your sake. When you share of the food, will you take a share of the sin.
The wife answered, "It is your duty as a husband and father to maintain us. It is immaterial to us how you do it. We are not responsible. We didn't ask you to commit sins. You could do some proper work to bring us food. Anyway, that's your business and your duty. We are not going to bother whether it's right or wrong. We won't take a share of your sins."
"My God! My beloved children, how about you?" "As Mommy says, Dad."
"What a dirty family. I thought you were going to share everything with me. You are going to share only the food and nothing else. I don't even want to see your faces!"
He ran back and fell at Narada's feet: "Swamiji, you have opened my eyes. What am I to do now?"
"Well, you have committed a lot of sins. You have to purge them all."
"Please tell me some way."
So Narada gave Valmiki mantra initiation for meditation. "All right. Can you repeat 'Rama, Rama'?"
"What's that? I've never heard of it; I'm just an illiterate person. I can't repeat it. Can you give me something easier?"
"Oh, what a pity. Let's see, look at this." He pointed at a tree. "What is it?"
"It's a mara (tree)."
"All right. Can you repeat it?" "Sure, that's easy."
"Fine. Sit in a quiet place and just go on repeating 'Mara mara mara.' "
"Is that all? That will save me from all my sins?"
"Well, sir, I believe you. You have already enlightened me quite a lot.
You seem to be a good swami. I'll begin right here and now. I don't want to waste any time."
It is nice to be so innocent that you can believe, have sufficient faith to believe all this.
Yet it is true!!
"Come to me as little children" said the Christ.
The ability to be like that is a great talent. Yet it is a greater talent to be able to discern those people and things who you Can Trust!!
"To be Spiritual, you have to be lucky" Satchidanand
Yet it is not luck!!
So he just sat under a tree and went on repeating "mara, mara, ma ra ma rama, Rama Rama . . . "
See? Mara mara representing the tree Antahkarana soon became Rama Rama representing the realised Man.
He sat for years like that until at last an anthill was formed completely covering his body, all the ants biting him. All the little energy blockages bothering him.
Yes, because he was so deeply interested in that meditation, he forgot everything else.
The energy flowing down from above, from the chakras above the head, becomes so intense that we begin to access, "Prajna Paramita" or the highest Truth and to live from that highest Truth in the chakras above the head.
The body is ignored so that although we feel it, its as if it is not so important as "That Energy of God in Which we Live".
This is what happens in samadhi.
So after a long, long time somebody just passed and happened to disturb the anthill, break it apart and the Saint Valmiki just walked out.
Later he got the divine vision of Lord Rama's life and wrote the entire epic story of Ramayana. Even now you can read Valmiki's Ramayana.
What is to be learned from this story? He just concentrated on that mantram and forgot everything else. All the sins slowly dried up for want of nourishment and died away. If you do not pour water on your plant, what will happen? It will slowly wither and die. Our habits will also slowly wither and die away if we do not give them an opportunity to manifest. You need not fight to stop a habit. Just don't give it an opportunity to repeat itself. That's all you have to do. Any kind of habit can be easily removed this way. And that is possible by cultivating one proper habit. The mind must have something to hold on to, so you stick to one thing and all the other things die.
So, the Energy Enhancement Karma Cleaning Process, in this case only by using Meditation you can remove all your problems.
If we use more advanced techniques we can speed up this process. The Kundalini Kriyas. Alchemical VITRIOL. Access the the Soul Chakra. The Energy Enhancement Samyama Seven Step Process for removing Energy Blockages. With all this we can remove all those bad impressions fast!
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Book One, Sutra 41. Kshina = totally weakened, waned or dwindled; vritter = modifications; abhijatasya = naturally pure; iva = like; maner = crystal; grahitri = knower; grahana = knowable; grahyeshu = knowledge; tatstha = similar; tadanjanata = taking the color of; samapattih = samadhi or balanced state.
Just as the naturally pure crystal assumes shapes and colors of objects placed near it, so the Yogi's mind, with its totally weakened energy blockage modifications, becomes clear and balanced and attains the state devoid of differentiation between knower, knowable and knowledge. This culmination of meditation is samadhi.
"The mind of the Yogi with its totally weakened energy blockage modifications," means that he has cultivated the one thought form of the chakras above the head ending in God so as to purify all others.
When you cultivate that One alone, all the other energy blockage impressions become weaker, purified, refined.
To give a physical example, if you concentrate on the development of the brain alone, you are apt to ignore the other parts of the body.
There is a story by H. G. Wells where the future generation is described as having only a big head with little limbs like the roots of a potato. Because they did not use them, there would be no need for them. They, just think, "I must have food," and the food comes. No need even to use a hand to flip a switch, because the switch will be activated by thought. In fact science is devising cars now where you sit in the car and say, "All right, start. Go ahead. Be quick. Hold on. Stop." And even that seems to be unnecessary now that they have printed circuits.
If you want to go to Boston, take the Boston card, put it into the car's computer, sit quietly and soon you are in Boston! All you will have to do is buy those cards. Wherever you want to go, put the card into the machine and just do anything you want in the car — talk business, chat or watch television. Then the car will remind you, "Sir, we are in Boston." That's all. No part of the body is put into use; so it will slowly reduce in size.
That is not only true of the physical body, the same is true of the mind. If you develop one idea through constant meditation, all other thoughts and desires will gradually die away. In our daily lives we see that. If you are interested in someone you think of that one day and night. If you open a book, your mind will not go into the subject but instead will think of that person. You will gradually lose interest in all other people and things.
Now to talk about Sutra 42, "...the mind of the Yogi with its totally dwindled or removed energy blockage modifications attains . . . a state in which there can be no differentiation between the knower, knowable and knowledge."
The Yogi whose vrittis or energy blockages have thus become powerless by the cultivation of THE ONE ceases to distinguish between the knower, knowable and knowledge (or meditator, meditated upon and meditation).
In meditation you are conscious of all three — subject, object and process of meditation.
But at this point, moving into Samadhi, the three become one; either the object becomes subject or subject becomes object. There is a merging, a fusion, of the Lower Chakras with the Higher Chakras.
Meditation naturally flows into Samadhi with the Light of ten thousand suns, and you become that sun through a process of fusion.
When nothing remains to prevent that process, all the seeds (Bija, energy blockages) have been burned, the we have Nirbija Samadhi, No blockage Samadhi or EnLightenment.
And when there is no subject-object separation, there is no process either. The mind is completely absorbed and loses itself in the idea or object of meditation.
The process of evolution continues towards a crystallisation of the Psychic functions.
Every thoughtform or talent needs to be purified of its negativity.
Using Alchemical symbolism, "The dross needs to be burnt off in order to purify the gold" "The more you heat it, the more it shines" - Alchemical Tamil Siddar, Thiruvalluvar. The high frequency energy of God, flowing in to you from the chakras above the head will do that.
When this has occurred then through the application of energy from the higher chakras, the psychic function or talent can become a hardened, aligned, crystalline structure which is more difficult to affect - it is impossible to place implant blockages in them for example - and because smaller, aligned, dense, much more efficient.
Patanjali gives the example of an object near a crystal. If you put a red flower near a crystal, the crystal itself appears to be red like the flower. It becomes one with that; it accepts that yet it is not changed by that.
Likewise, the mind accepts the idea of your meditation and takes that form.
So here there is Development in Samadhi and here Patanjali is giving us the process of that development.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Book One, Sutra 42. The samadhi in which name, form and knowledge of them is mixed is called savitarka samadhi, or samadhi with deliberation.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Book One, Sutra 43. When the memory is well purified, the knowledge of the ONE object of concentration shines alone, devoid of the distinction of name and quality. This is nirvitarka samadhi, or samadhi without deliberation.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Book One, Sutra 44. In the same way, savichara (reflective) and nirvichara (super or non reflective) samadhis, are explained.
We normally transmute blockages without any feedback, however, if we need to know something, if we need to be taught something, to reflect on it, then we usually receive visions of what happened to create the blockage in the first place.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Book One, Sutra 45. The subtlety of possible objects of concentration ends only at the undefinable.
Objects of Concentration are Energy Blockages.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Book One, Sutra 46. All these samadhis are sabija (with seed or Energy Blockage), which could bring one back into bondage or mental disturbance.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Book One, Sutra 47. In the purity of nirvichara samadhi, the supreme Self shines.
The Central Spiritual Sun.. "Brighter than 10,000 Suns it shines alone"
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Book One, Sutra 48. This is ritambhara prajna, or the absolute true consciousness.
Prajna, usually translated as wisdom, here is Revealed!! as the energy from chakras above the head, chit shakti!!
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Book One, Sutra 49. Sruta = (heard) study of scriptures; anumana = inference; prajnabhyam = from the knowledge; anya = totally different; vishaya visesha = special truth; arfhafvaf = cognition of.
This special truth is totally different from knowledge gained by hearing, study of scripture or inference.
When you achieve that ritambhara prajna you understand everything without study.
Swami Satchidananda said that one day I would be able to understand everything just by looking at it.
He said that he himself did not know where his words came from when he was talking. "I just sit back and listen with amazement to what is being said whilst my mouth does the talking" This is the amazing truth of ritambhara prajna.
The "Prajna Paramita" from the Heart Sutra chanted by Zen Buddhists for hundreds of years, are the words of the Buddha about meditation where he says that, "All Sages and Saints for thousands of years Live from Prajna Paramita" or the Highest Wisdom chakras above the head.
Founded in the Earth the highest saints realise the higher chakras above the head as they explore and clean the antahkarana.
With more super computer chakra parallel processors working from above the head this ritambhara prajna is the result - And More!!
When you transcend the mind through proper concentration, you feel the Cosmic Force or God. I call it, "Intelligent Energy" - chit shakti, You can check your experience with the scriptures or through the word of sages and saints but it is known by you through your own experience.
Until then all you have heard and read and visualized will be by your own mind. Experiencing God is something which is genuine and comes only when you transcend the mind. God cannot be understood by the mind because mind is matter and matter cannot possibly understand something more subtle than matter.
Western psychology talks only about the mind, saying, "Unless you understand by your mind you can't know something," and at the same time it says, "but you cannot know everything by the mind."
That is all; it stops there.
But Yoga tells you you can know something without mind. . here is a higher knowledge which can only be understood without the mind. As the Mandukya Upanishad says, "Nantah-prajnyam, na bahis prajnyam, nobhayatah-prajnyam, na prajnyana-ghanam, na prajnyam, naprajnyam ... Not the inside knowledge, not outside knowledge, not knowledge itself, not ignorance..."
It's all expressed in the negative: you can't grasp it, you can't think of it, you can't mark it with a symbol, it has no name or form and you can't explain it. Hundreds of people might sit in front of a man and he might talk for hours and hours about God, and they might sit and listen for hours and hours but it's all nonsense.
Yes, he has said nothing about God and they have heard nothing about God. He has only said something about the God which he could fit into his own mind, and they have only understood the God that they could grasp with their own minds. That's all. Nobody has said anything about the real God and no one has understood the real God. It's unexplainable.
So in that ritambhara prajna you transcend the mind and gain a knowledge which is realization.
For that the mind must be completely silent as it is only that absence of vrittis which allows the intelligent energy to pass through into the purified mind to be decoded.
That is why in Hindu mythology there is one form of God called Dakshinamoorthi who sat with four disciples in front of him. They were all learned men; they had read all the Vedas and Upanishads and heard all that was to be heard but they still couldn't realize the truth.
So they came to Dakshinamoorthi and requested him to explain the highest Brahman (the unmanifested God). He just sat there in silence. After awhile they got up, bowed down and said, "Swami, we have understood," and went away. Because only in silence can it be explained: Mouna vakya Prakratitha Parabrahma fattvam...The Parabrahma tattvam or unmanifested supreme principle can only be explained by silence, not by words."
In not only the physical silence, but in the real mental silence, the wisdom dawns.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Book One, Sutra 50. The impression produced by this samadhi wipes out all other impressions (Energy Blockages).
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Book One, Sutra 51. When even this impression is wiped out, every impression is totally wiped out and there is nirbija (seedless or Energy Blockageless) samadhi.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Book Four, Sutra 23. The mind-stuff, when colored by both Seer and Seen, understands everything.
When we connect with external sources of energy including telepathy and intuition in Samadhi then we start to understand everything.
The Seen is Prakriti or the chakras beneath the Base Chakra. This, "Inflow of nature" is that which creates evolution. It is the inflow of energy from external chakras of the Universe.
This is the Alchemical Process of VITRIOL, Energy Enhancement Level 1, Initiation Three, The Grounding of Negative Energies..
The Seer is Purusha and exists in the chakras above the head. It rains down chit-shakti or intelligent energy into the mind along the length of the ANTAHKARANA which because the chakras above the head connect in to every human being on the planet, as well as to higher intelligences above the planet, this intuitive intelligent energy starts to inform the mind as in telepathy and vastly, exponentially, increases the intelligence of the Mind.
This is Energy Enhancement Level One, Initiation Four - The Supra Galactic Orbit - connection with the Chakras above the head - Connection with the Illuminating Energies of the Soul, The Central Spiritual Sun of Gurdjieff.
As well as being a performer of Sacred Dance, having danced from the age of Four and then becoming a Prima ballerina and a teacher of Ballet at the age of sixteen. As well as being a teacher of Yoga from the age of eighteen and a meditation teacher from the age of thirty, Devi Dhyani is a Doctor of Law, a Barrister who practised her profession for 16 years. It normally takes Eight Years to become a Doctor of Law if you do not fail any examinations at University. Devi passed her examinations normally for the first four years of her course. However then she started practising meditation because she wanted to study harder and sleep less to do it. Instead of sleeping less, Devi slept much more but became much more efficient, intelligent. So much so that she passed the next four years of examinations in only two years. Such is the exponential power of meditation.
Dianetics uses polygraphs or lie detectors to find the tension which surrounds the negative energy, ignorance lie of every energy blockage.
Once found, they have simple techniques to get rid of the energy blockage. Whilst these techniques only have the power to remove only the simplest energy blockages unlike Energy Enhancement which uses Advanced techniques used for 5000 years by Masters of Meditation, Dianetics is very efficient at removing small Blockages.
When Elron outgrew Dianetics and went on to found the more Religious Scientology, A.E. Van Vogt remained behind as the President of Dianetics.
A.E. Van Vogt wrote the book, "Slan" about the next stage of Human Evolution, but he was really referring to the next stage of evolution of humanity which starts with Meditation and Dianetics and then goes on to the Removal Of Energy Blockages..
The Energy Enhancement Energy Blockage Directory is here.
The removal of all energy blockages is when you become clear!!
Due to the power of his books, AE Van Vogt was marginalised as many Authors and Directors have been marginalised which I suppose is a euphemism for censored or banned.
I suppose Orson Welles is the most famous when after, "Citizen Kane" Randolf Hearst bought his employers company - RKO, cut the hell out of, defaced, his next picture, "The Magnificent Ambersons" and fired his sorry ass.
Similarly Director Michael Cimino who got an Oscar for "The Deer Hunter" almost never worked again after movie, "Heavens Gate" (1980) which exposed the real story of a mini genocide by the elite in the range wars where assassins were hired to kill a death list of 150 people. When captured by the ordinary people the assassins and their leaders were pardoned by the Governor of the State and the President.
Similarly Norman Spinrad because he wrote the book, "Bug Jack Barron" (1969) exposing an immortality treatment for the elite using the bodily fluids of kidnapped children who were killed by the process of extracting them.
And Norman Spinrad's, "The Men in the Jungle" (1967) where our hero has to join an elite group of Satanic, drug addict, human sacrificing, cannibals who are in charge of a Planet, in order to destroy them.
The wonderful movies, "The Golden Compass" where the elite develop a process, "The Incision" to cut people off from their souls and "The Last Airbender" by Shyalaman where an elite want to take over the World by killing the Spirit but are stopped by the Avatar who develops the Heart of Resistance of all people, were successfully censored - by every reviewer of movies, all working for the state controlled media who said that the movies were very bad - please see them for yourselves..
Also "The Last Samurai" which was similarly defamed by Every Reviewer leading to Tom Cruise - they fired his sorry ass.
Here the technique is that of paid negative reviews such that now the review process anywhere on the web cannot be trusted the same as the democratic political process. Indeed now instead of tens of authors with many false avatars, email addresses and countries, now they are using computers to write their vitriol automatically. Indeed if there are a lot of negative reviews we think with so much effort against, it must be good!! That the goodness in the movie must have earned its, "Badge of Honour" by being so vilified.
In this way New Line Movies who made the Golden Compass and who developed The Lord of the Rings Movie Trilogy with the Weinsteins were all destroyed.
A big clear our of spiritual companies and producers by the elite.
Back to AE Van Vogt.. These Slans had the ability of telepathy.
Here is a quote from the book saying that Slans were more intelligent than humans as a human was more intelligent than a monkey, because of the intelligent, telepathic, "Inflow of nature" which meditation brings in to the Mind of the meditator. Not only intelligent, because of the nature of Energy Blockages, Slans were more moral and could not stoop to, "Dirty Tricks" of the normal human psychopath, as happened to Jesus Christ - Meditation leads to Perfection.
Not only that, in the book he said that some of the normal humans would become so jealous that they would try to kill off all of the Slans.
Remember the monkey from the Panchatantra in this book, "I suppose you think you're really good. don't you?"
Or the Myth of Hyacynthus killed through jealousy.
Jesus Christ was crucified, Buddha was poisoned because of this jealousy, because they said too much against, "Caesar".
The Movie, "Jumper"
says there are ancient organisations created for thousands of years to assassinate these advanced evolutionary human beings, - "No-one but God should have these powers!"
Here is a quote from A. E. Van Vogt's Slan..
"I am giving you this information because apparently none of you has ever bothered to investigate the true situation as compared to popular beliefs. Take, for instance, the so-called superior intelligence of the Slan, referred to in the letter received from them today. There is an old illustration on that point which has been buried by the years; an experiment in which Samuel Lann, that extraordinary man, brought up a monkey baby, a human baby and a Slan baby under rigidly scientific conditions. The monkey was the most precocious, learning within a few months what the Slan and the human baby required considerably longer to assimilate. Then the human and Slan learned to talk, and the monkey was hopelessly outdistanced. The Slan and the human continued at a fairly even pace until, at the age of four, they both learned to read and the Slan's powers of mental telepathy began painfully to operate. At this point, the Slan baby forged into the lead just as a human who reads, forges into the lead and domination over those humans who do not read, or indeed those who only read State Controlled Media Corporate Propaganda.
The Slan's great advantage was the ability to read minds, which gave him an unsurpassable insight into psychology and readier access to the education which the human child could grasp only through the medium of ears and eyes and books -- "
John Petty interrupted in a voice that was thick and harsh: "What you're saying is only what I've known all along, and is the main reason why we can't begin to consider peace negotiations with these ... these damned beings. In order for a human being to equal a Slan, he must strain for years to acquire what comes with the greatest of ease to the Slan. In other words, all except the minutest fraction of humanity is incapable of ever being more than a slave in comparison to a Slan.
Gentlemen, there can be no peace, but rather an intensification of Slan extermination methods."
It is the destiny of EVERY Human Being to use Telepathy, and then to become Enlightened.
We are all Slans.
But for those people who practise Energy Enhancement Meditation, consciously connecting with External Sources of Energy, the movement towards telepathy and Enlightenment is so much quicker!!
The advice of every Master of Meditation for thousands of Years to those who practise Yoga is, "Keep it secret, Keep it safe" - Gandalf, Lord of the Rings.
Those who know, do not say.
Thus the same advice from the very ancientmost of times - Practise Yoga, Practise Pranayama, Practise Meditation - but tell no-one you do it.. "Keep it Secret, Keep it Safe"
Matthew 6:
5 "When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.
6 "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
So, Energy Enhancement Meditation brings about a vast exponential increase in Intelligence - for Every Human Being who practises it.
Every human being is diseased with the burden of selfish desire. This mass of selfish desires is called the selfish competitive ego. Each energy blockage is a selfish desire therefore the total number of energy blockages is called the selfish competitive ego. The removal of every energy blockage is called Kaivalya, Moksha, Illumination, Enlightenment.. Energy Enhancement!!
Exponentially increase your Intelligence with Energy Enhancement Meditation, the only one which connects with Chakras above the Head and Below the Base.
Thus Energy Enhancement Meditation is a thousand times more effective than any other meditation, creating incredible results FAST!!
Energy Enhancement Meditation Course LEVEL 1 EIGHT INITIATIONS - POWER UP!! GAIN SUPER ENERGY with the Kundalini Key, the Kundalini Kriyas, Alchemical VITRIOL, The Kundalini Chakra, Quantum Jumping to The Infinity of Chakras above the Head, The Projection of Energy, and Psychic Protection.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Book Four, Sutra 24. Though having countless desires or energy blockages, the mind-stuff exists for the sake of another (the Purusha, God, above the chakras above the head) because it can act only in association with It (Satchidanand - by being given energy by God).
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Book Four, Sutra 25. To one who sees the distinction between the mind and the Atman, thoughts of mind as the Atman cease forever (The nature of the hierarchy of chakras once seen means the Atman, Purusha, God, work at a higher level than the Mind and indeed power the mind by sending divine energy and thoughtforms to it. The Mind is a reception apparatus).
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Book Four, Sutra 26. Then the mind-stuff (The soul infused mind) is inclined toward discrimination (Discrimination of good and evil, of pure and impure. Here, Viveka, discrimination also includes a methodology of transmuting and removing the impure, leaving behind only the pure. As Manjusri wields the sword of discrimination, so the artificially created minds or sub-personalities are healed and integrated into the Soul Infused personality by the Energy Enhancement Seven Step process) and gravitates toward the purity of Absoluteness.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Book Four, Sutra 27. In between, distracting thoughts may arise due to energy blockages.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Book Four, Sutra 28. Energy blockages can be removed, as in the case of the obstacles explained before. (See Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Book 4, Sutras 1,2,10,11, and 26.)
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Commentary Satchidanand
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
29. However DHARMAMEGA: “Cloud of Dharma” Samadhi speeds up, intensifies, and then finishes the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Energy Blockage removal process...
DHARMAMEGA: “Cloud of Dharma” this samadhi encloses and includes all that can be known. Just as a cloud fills the heavens and with its rain quenches all thirst and soothes all dryness, this Samadhi expands as a mist through consciousness in an enlightening way. The action of Dharma Mega Samadhi is that a cloud of high frequency energy enters into Sahasrara Chakra, the Crown, "of Kings" Chakra from the infinity of, "Chakras Above the Head" which end in God. This energy is of such a high frequency that it has the ability to dissolve Energy Blockages without doing anything, just it enters into the body and we feel all the Blockages dissolving. And as we maintain ourselves in that state, so intuition also enters and we see the, "Golden Path" of our future. It is the next most powerful step after discrimination of the Energy Enhancement seven Step Process, in the removal of All Energy Blockages prior to Kaivalya or Enlightenment.
Another reference to dharma-megha-samadhi in classical Hindu literature is in Vidyara nyas Pancada si. In I, 60 he points out that dharma-megha-samadhi is the uppermost phase to arrive at in Yoga. He says that Samadhi is: “That state in which the mind progressively discards the concept of meditator and meditation ”. The effect of this Samadhi is the dissolution, the Transmution, of all Karma accumulated over immeasurable lives and the “expansion of pure Dharma.” Bhagavad Gita VI, 19 - or the Justice and Rightness or Righteousness, "That which must be" of the Soul or Monad.
The gap linking dharma-megha-samadhi with Kaivalya or Liberation is basically indiscernible. Dharma-megha-samadhi is the means by which contact with the high energy flow from the chakras above the head has the effect of unbinding the Energy Blockage manacles which distort and pervert our mind and which have the effect of stealing our spiritual, emotional, and physical energy, sending any arousal of energy back to the guy who made the blockage. It can be assumed that dharma-megha-samadhi, is a prolongation of the other, Kaivalya, as a same indissoluble spring.
Read about the necessity of removing all mind controlling, Energy Stealing Blockages, which manage all humanity..
How are they Stealing Your Spiritual Energy?
Implant Blockages which steal your energy implanted in Satanism, Black Magic, Ordo Templi Orientis OTO, Aleister Crowley, Luciferianism, Wicca
Addiction Blockages Implanted into Illuminati Aleister Crowley - SEX TANTRA ADDICT, DRUG ADDICT, VICTIM OF VAMPIRE IMPLANT ADDICTION BLOCKAGES
The Satanic Frankfurt School "Dums" Down Civilisation - ADORNO, BENJAMIN, MARCUSE, LUKACS, BRECHT, WEILL, ECO, DERRIDA
KAIVALYA can be translated in many ways but the closest we can get in English is: Liberation, - from any Energy Blockage - All Energy Blockages have been dissolved from this lifetime and from all our previous lifetimes - unlimited oneness with God and the Chakra Supercomputers above the Head, faultless disinterest, sovereignty, a King, an Emperor.
It’s in other words by achieving the state of detachment due to the dissolvation of the stupidly desiring energy blockage mind control, it reaches the astonishing transcendental state.
Kaivalya, is the ultimate liberation, here there is no struggle, no need for escape or repression of emotion and feelings.
Dharma-Megha Samadhi is described by Patanjali: cloud bearing dharma Samadhi. For Patanjali the stages of Samadhi are all connected together. After sasmita comes asampranjta Samadhi of various forms, then viveka kheyati , the ultimate discrimination between the real and unreal, or prakriti and purusha. For all previous samadhi’s it is possible for the sadhaka to become attached and fall back to earlier stages, but after viveka kyeyati the vritti samskara energy blockages are burned and transmuted. Dharma-megha Samadhi is next in line, and finally Kaivalya, a non-dual state of complete isolation and liberation.
Now there is absolute scientific proof that a meditator is less prone to ulcers, less prone to heart attacks, less prone to high blood pressure. A meditator is less prone to many illnesses that happen ordinarily to everybody. A meditator is less prone to madness, to insanity, to neurosis, psychosis. And a meditator is certainly more quiet, calm, and collected. A meditator is more responsible. A meditator is more loving. And there is definite proof that a meditator lives longer than a non-meditator. A meditator has a higher I.Q., more intelligence, than a non-meditator, more vitality, more creativity.
Meditation is therapeutic. In fact, "meditation" and "medicine" come from the same root. Meditation is a healing force, because it relaxes you and allows nature to heal you. But that is not the primary benefit of meditation. It is just a side effect. The basic benefit is the entry into the divine. Self-realization. God-realization. Oh! the ecstasy of it, the blessing and the benediction of Dharma Mega Samadhi - the final release of all our Energy Blockage Chains.
And these are not assertions of mystics. Now scientific labs are producing papers, research work, theses, dissertations. Through scientific equipment, measurement, ways and means, now it is almost a certain fact that mind can exist in many wavelengths and meditation changes the wavelength. Meditation creates more "alpha" waves -- and alpha waves release joy, happiness, bliss, benediction.
Bhogar was the teacher of Patanjali. Bhogar transmigrated to the body of Lao Tsu where he taught Taoist Meditational Orbits. He was also the teacher of Babaji of the Himalayas Master of Yogananda who taught the Kundalini Kriyas - the same technique as the Taoist Meditational Orbits. Read it below.. BHOGAR - The Tamil Siddar - Kundalini Yoga, Spiritual Alchemy
Ramana Maharshi spoke his Samadhi experience which ended in enlightenment in the following words:
“It was in 1896, about 6 weeks before I left Madurai for good (to go to Tiruvannamalai – Arunachala) that this great change in my life took place.
I was sitting alone in a room on the first floor of my uncle’s house. I seldom had any sickness and on that day there was nothing wrong with my health, but a sudden violent fear of death overtook me. There was nothing in my state of health to account for it nor was there any urge in me to find out whether there was any account for the fear. I just felt I was going to die and began thinking what to do about it. It did not occur to me to consult a doctor or any elders or friends. I felt I had to solve the problem myself then and there.
The shock of the fear of death drove my mind inwards and I said to myself mentally, without actually framing the words: ‘Now death has come; what does it mean? What is it that is dying? This body dies.’ And at once I dramatized the occurrence of death. I lay with my limbs stretched out still as though rigor mortis has set in, and imitated a corpse so as to give greater reality to the enquiry. I held my breath and kept my lips tightly closed so that no sound could escape, and that neither the word ‘I’ nor any word could be uttered.
‘Well then,’ I said to myself, ‘this body is dead. It will be carried stiff to the burning ground and there burned and reduced to ashes. But with the death of the body, am I dead? Is the body I? It is silent and inert, but I feel the full force of my personality and even the voice of I within me, apart from it. So I am the Spirit transcending the body. The body dies but the spirit transcending it cannot be touched by death. That means I am the deathless Spirit.’
All this was not dull thought; it flashed through me vividly as living truths, which I perceived directly almost without thought process. I was something real, the only real thing about my present state, and all the conscious activity connected with the body was centered on that I. From that moment onwards, the “I” or “Self” focused attention on itself by a powerful fascination. Fear of death vanished once and for all. The ego was lost in the flood of Self-awareness. Absorption in the Self continued unbroken from that time. Other thoughts might come and go like the various notes of music, but the “I” continued like the fundamental sruti note which underlies and blends with all other notes”.
In this Samadhi Ramana was in the highest state of consciousness by an unbreakable connection with the chakras above the head, the central spiritual sun, the soul, the monad - absorbed in the energy of God.
Simultaneously he operated in the world in a more efficient manner. He naturally upheld the nirvikalpa samadhi state while concurrently socializing and working in the world. He was in this state while awake sleeping or dreaming, and employed the body as an ideal device to work in the physical plane.
In that state of connection with the chakras above the head one acts as everyone else except that in the deepest part of his being he is flooded with celestial enlightenment. Sahaja samadhi appears merely when oneness with the absolute is constant and unbroken. As the flow increases, dharma-megha-samadhi floods the bodymind creating freedom, liberation, Kaivalya, enlightenment.
The Islamist Sufi, Christian Devotional and Vaishnava Bhakti Schools describe Samadhi as an absolute absorption into an object of devotion, a deity in this case whether it is Krishna, the Virgin Mary or Carmina Burana - "The sight of God in a woman is the most beautiful of all" - Al Arabi.
They believe that instead of having the experience of "thinking of nothing,” a proper samadhi can also be accomplished through uncontaminated, unadulterated love of God leading to that very same experience. Although more dangerous because of the implantation of the Sexual Addiction Blockage in all forms, - Arabian, Chinese, Indian - of sexual tantra, in this way samadhi can be accomplished through meditation on the forms of God.
Many yogis, can leave their bodies and can intentionally die at will. - "You know I can kill you without turning a hair. You know I can let you do that without turning a hair" It is at this moment in time, that the essence of being knows himself to be connected indissolubly to the chakras above the head, and by being liberated from all body restrictions, he consciously merges perfectly into the awe-inspiring and luminous eternity. The personage rises above the worlds, far from karma and returns to vastness, assimilating transcendental Bliss forever.
30. From that samadhi all afflictions and karmas cease.
31. Then all the coverings and impurities of knowledge (The Negative karmic Mass which coats all energy blockages) are totally removed. Because of the infinity of this knowledge, what remains to be known is almost nothing.
32. Then the gunas terminate their sequence of transformations because they have fulfilled their purpose (All Negative Karmic Mass is transmuted and the energy blockage is healed and integrated).
33. The sequence (Of the healing of the energy blockages through a process which is that of the Gunas) means an uninterrupted succession of moments which can be recognized at the end of their transformations.
34. Thus, the supreme state of Independence, or Kaivalya, manifests while the gunas reabsorb themselves into Prakriti, having no more purpose to serve the Purusha. Or, to look from another angle, the power of pure consciousness settles in its own pure nature.
READ THE WHOLE COMMENTARY YOGA SUTRAS OF PATANJALI... The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Commentary Satchidanand

Sunday, September 8, 2013
DEEPAMKARA BUDDHA - THE LAMPLIGHTER, THE GURU, THE SPIRITUAL MASTER. The Right Hand Myth of Devotion through Burne-Jones and the Myth of King Arthur and the Holy Grail - "The Ten Myths which Control the World". SYMBOL POLARISATION The Rose or any Religious Symbol is always taken in the Two ways of the Left or Right Hand Paths. Symbols are like a knife - used to kill by an assassin or heal by a surgeon. All symbols are used for bad or good purposes depending on the intent. The true path of Bhakti or Devotion functions because it does not involve being Implanted by Sexual Addiction Blockages which always happens in Sexual Tantric Ritual. In any group it takes only one bad person to Implant all the Others. Indeed the practise of True Devotion removes all Blockages. Devotion is a White Created Myth which has true Truth at its Heart. "And the Beast looked upon the Face of Beauty and from that time it was as one Dead" - as King Kong Ego, red in tooth and Claw falls from great height.. The, September 4, 2013
Psychic Protection - Cut off that Energy Blockage
By Surrounding all these energy blockages in Energy Enhancement Psychic Protection, Pyramid Psychic Protection or Merkaba Psychic Protection, it will cut off that energy blockage from its support, from the people who are draining your energy along energetic connections back to them. So Psychic Protection stops the vampiric drainage even though the Implant Blockages still remain.